Thursday, March 18, 2010

In The News

Hope now more people know that we should not be too hasty about our actions. Obviously what Rio Lawrence Patrick Dutton, 47, did was very hasty and dangerous, it almost caused a man his life. Firstly  he hurled vulgarities at, Mr Basri, his neighbour. So Mr Basri went over to his place to tell him patiently, not to interfere in his family matters. Mr Basri was doing the right thing by talking the problem out instead of using force on Dutton. Instead Dutton did the opposite by pouring acid on Mr Basri's face. If Dutton was to just talk things out he would not had been arrested for hurling acid at his neighbour and cause injuries.Even though Dutton had been arrested for many other offences he should have turned over a new leaf, but after this incident it proves he did not change abit!

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